
Saturday, October 11, 2014

University of Athens To Offer Online Courses

Starting this month, the University of Athens (UoA) will be providing massive open online courses (MOOCs), following the example set by many internationally-renowned institutions of higher education. The online courses will be open to everyone and include free access to courses enriched with multimedia content (presentations, notes, videos, podcasts, interactive content) and educational material. The initiative is the work of Gunet, a non-profit that cooperates with all academic institutions in Greece. “Open Academic Courses” at the University of Athens aims to develop digital open courses available to both male and female students of the University of Athens, as well as the general public. Beginning this October, UoA will open approximately 500 academic courses. They will be available until September 2015. Furthermore, the Greek institution has also reconfirmed its 11-year support for an eLearning platform that now consists of 4,672 courses and has over 130,000 users. Anyone who wishes to apply for open courses can find more information here and here.