
Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Tuesday, November 4

by  Associated Press Tuesday, November 4 by The Associated Press, Associated Press - 27 October 2014 19:03-04:00 Today is Tuesday, November 4, the 307th day of 2014. There are 58 days left in the year Highlights in history on this date: 1530 - England's Cardinal Wolsey is arrested for being a traitor. 1547 - England's Parliament repeals the Henrican Act as the first stage in Protestant Reformation. 1879 - The cash register is patented by James and John Ritty of Dayton, Ohio. 1898 - The French evacuate Fashoda (in Sudan) after British protests. 1921 - Japan's Premier Takashi Hara is assassinated. 1922 - British archaeologist Howard Carter discovers the entrance to King Tutankhamen's tomb in Egypt. 1924 - Nellie T. Ross of Wyoming is elected as United States' first woman governor; she serves the remaining term of William B. Ross, her husband who died in office. 1939 - The United States modifies its neutrality stance in World War II, allowing "cash and carry" purchases of arms by belligerents, a policy favoring Britain and France. 1942 - During World War II, Axis forces retreat from El Alamein in North Africa in a major victory for British forces commanded by Field Marshal Bernard Montgomery. 1944 - Allies announce that Greece has been liberated from German Nazis in World War II. 1952 - Dwight D. Eisenhower is elected U.S. president, defeating Democrat Adlai Stevenson. 1956 - Soviet forces attack Budapest and Hungarian President Imre Nagy takes refuge in the Yugoslav embassy; U.N. General Assembly adopts resolution to send international forces to Middle East. 1964 - Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini is forcibly exiled from Iran. He settles in Iraq. 1975 - United States closes its mission in Angola because of the violent struggle between three rival liberation groups. 1976 - Britain proposes Rhodesian independence under black majority rule by March 1, 1978. 1978 - Egypt's President Anwar Sadat refuses to see delegation of Arab groups opposed to Camp David peace talks with Israel. 1979 - Militants seize U.S. Embassy in Tehran and take the diplomats hostage for 444 days, demanding the ousted Shah of Iran as ransom. 1984 - About 1,000 Sikhs, battered by Hindus outraged over assassination of India's Prime Minister Indira Gandhi, take refuge in Sis Ganj shrine. 1990 - Soldiers assault a crowd demonstrating for political opposition in Zaire's capital, Kinshasa. Dozens of people are wounded and hundreds arrested during the incident. 1991 - Former First Lady Imelda Marcos returns to the Philippines, ending more than five years of exile in the U.S. Her arrival follows the government's decision to endorse her return so that she could be tried on corruption and tax-evasion charges. 1992 - Iran arrests U.S. businessman, Milton Meier, on charges of corruption and espionage. Meier is the first American to be arrested by Iran for spying since 1986. 1993 - Thousands of people who received transfusions demand AIDS tests, terrified they may have been given tainted blood from a company in Germany that was accused of improper testing. 1994 - Serbs attack the town of Bihac, held by Bosnian government troops, with anti-aircraft missiles, damaging 30 to 40 houses. 1995 - Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin is assassinated as he leaves a pro-peace rally in Tel Aviv. 1996 - Tutsi rebels in eastern Congo declare a unilateral cease-fire to allow refugees who want to return to Rwanda to go home. 1997 - The United States announces it has bought 21 MiG-29 jet fighters from former Soviet republics to prevent the advanced planes from ending up in Iran. 1999 - Aaron McKinney, who beat gay college student Matthew Shepard and left him to die on the Wyoming prairie, avoids the death penalty by agreeing to serve life in prison without parole and promising never to appeal his conviction. 2000 - The warring parties in Afghanistan sign a United Nations-sponsored effort to bring peace to the country. 2001 - Arab League foreign ministers meeting in Damascus, Syria, condemn Osama bin Laden, the fugitive who is believed to have masterminded the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks. 2002- U.S. forces kill six people, including Qaed Salim Sunian al-Harethi, believed to be a top associate of Osama bin Laden, in Yemen in a missile strike, expanding the campaign against terrorismr with America's first overt attack on suspected al-Qaida operatives outside of Afghanistan. 2003 - Wal-Mart Stores Inc. is under investigation by a federal grand jury for its role in employing illegal immigrants. Earlier, Immigration and Customs Enforcement agents raided 61 Wal-Mart stores in 21 states, arresting around 250 illegally employed cleaning workers in the largest mass immigration raid in years. 2004 - Government warplanes bomb the largest city of the rebel-held north, reopening attacks in surprise raids after a year-old ceasefire in Ivory Coast's civil war. 2005 - Pakistani President Gen. Pervez Musharraf suspends a major purchase of U.S. fighter planes, explaining that the money is needed for recovery from the recent earthquake. 2006 - Thousands of nationalist Turks march in the capital, vowing to defend the secular regime against radical Islamic influences and urging the government not to make too many concessions in order to gain European Union membership. 2007 - Representatives from the Lord's Resistance Army, an insurgent group, meet with Ugandan President Yoweri Museveni in the first talks on home soil between the two sides. 2008 - Barack Obama is elected the first black president of the United States. 2009 - An Italian judge finds 23 Americans and two Italians guilty in the kidnapping of an Egyptian terror suspect, delivering the first legal convictions anywhere in the world against people involved in the CIA's extraordinary renditions program. 2010 — After a tense 95 minutes while the pilots dumped fuel after an engine caught fire and blew out, a massive, double-decker Airbus 380 jetliner — the world's largest — returns safely to Singapore, where it makes an emergency landing with 459 people aboard. 2011 — A Syrian peace plan brokered by the Arab League unravels as security forces kill 15 people, opening fire on thousands of protesters who denounced President Bashar Assad and said he never intended to hold up his end of the deal to end the violence. 2012 — President Barack Obama and Republican challenger Mitt Romney spend their last full day of campaigning before the U.S. election. 2013 — In Tehran's largest anti-U.S. rally in years, tens of thousands of demonstrators join in chants of " death to America" as hard-liners direct a major show of resolve against President Hassan Rouhani's outreach to Washington. Today's Birthdays: Edmund Kean, English actor (1787-1833); Will Rogers, U.S. humorist (1879-1935); Walter Cronkite, U.S. newsman (1916-2009); Sean "Puffy" Combs, U.S. rapper/producer (1969--); Doris Roberts, U.S. actress (1930--). Thought for Today: Drop the question what tomorrow may bring, and count as profit every day that fate allows you — Horace, Roman poet (65 B.C.-8 B.C.) News Topics: General news, Presidential elections, 2012 United States Presidential Election, Embassies, United States Presidential Election, War and unrest, Protests and demonstrations, Government and politics, World War II, Crime, Immigration, Peace process, National elections, Elections, Events, International relations, Political and civil unrest, Social issues, Social affairs, Diplomacy People, Places and Companies: Wal-Mart Stores Inc, Dwight Eisenhower, Adlai Stevenson III, Ruhollah Khomeini, Indira Gandhi, Imelda Marcos, Yitzhak Rabin, Matthew Shepard, Osama bin Laden, Pervez Musharraf, Yoweri Museveni, Barack Obama, Bashar Assad, Mitt Romney, Hassan Rouhani, Walter Cronkite, United Kingdom, United States, Tehran, England, Egypt, Israel, Syria, Middle East, Iran, North Africa, Western Europe, Europe, North America, Africa Copyright 2014 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.