
Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Tsipras Promises to Sustain Defense Policy If Elected

SYRIZA leader Alexis Tsipras visited the Minsitry of Defense on Tuesday, praising the dedication and work of the armed forces. He also claimed that, should his party be elected into government, Greece’s defense policy would not be altered. Tsipras had a three and a half hour briefing and a 45-minute meeting with Defense Minister Dimitris Avramopoulos, one of the most prominent members of New Democracy. Following the meetings, the head of the opposition said, “We assured the military chiefs that we have full trust in them, because the continuity and security of our country is a top priority.” The SYRIZA chief also commented on military spending. saying that, despite the importance of national security, “defense budget should account for the difficult economic reality.” Tsipras also condemned Turkey’s aggression over Cyprus, describing Ankara’s planned gas exploration in waters where Nicosia has already licensed companies to drill as an “unacceptable violation of [the island’s] sovereign rights.”