
Saturday, October 18, 2014

Terrorist Paula Roupa Makes a “Comeback”

In a 13-page statement released last night, Paula Roupa, the partner of terrorist Nikos Maziotis, and one of the members of the Revolutionary Struggle guerrilla group, made a “comeback.” Through the approximately 7,500-word statement that was read at an event held in Athens, Greece, on “Armed Struggle, Revolutionary Movement and Social Revolution,” Roupa sent the message that Revolutionary Struggle “is alive,” insisting on armed action. At the beginning of the statement, Roupa sent a message of support to prisoner Maziotis by writing: “Nikos, I know you have got the power. We, as we have said at auditoriums, will simply change our struggle areas.” The statement made a brief reference to Antonis Stamboulos, which Roupa called an “anarchist comrade” and a relative brief reference to the announcement made by the Public Order Minister on planned attacks on entrepreneurs and businesses. This statement could be considered as a theoretical analysis for the armed struggle and the progress of the Revolutionary War from 2004 to 2009 and called on anarchists to join forces on major hits, however, it did not give any specific details on what those would be but rather mentioned that they would target the regime’s core. Finally, Roupa made another reference to the Revolutionary Struggle’s losses, such as that of Lambros Foundas, while regarding Maziotis’ arrest she stated that it was “a blow not only to Revolutionary Struggle but the subversive fight comprehensively.”