
Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Samaras to Request Vote of Confidence On Monday

The outcome of the Samaras – Venizelos meeting concluded in the mutual decision of the government to request a vote of confidence next Monday. This was decided by the two leaders in order to give an end to rumors about early elections and in order for the government to get the “green light” to proceed with its work as normal, until at least next year. According to government spokeswoman, the election of the President of the Republic will take place as usual in February. According to a statement made by Greek government representative Ms. Sofia Voultepsi, the election of the new President of the Republic will proceed as provided by the Constitution and the constitutional practice, which is one month before the end of the current President’s duties in February of 2015. She further stated that at the beginning of the new regular summit of Parliament next Monday, the government would immediately seek confirmation of the confidence, in accordance with the Article 84 of the Constitution. Syriza party replied to this sudden move by the government, stating that the government is “in a state of deterioration and is following a strategy of the bad Memorandum policy it chose. Let’s hope that Mr. Samaras will have the courage to come to parliament to defend the policy he has agreed on with Ms. Merkel.” Voultepsi earlier today speaking to private TV channel ANT1, dismissed reports on disagreements in the coalition government and reports on her resignation. “There are people who have nothing to do with journalism and instead of referring to politics, they are engaged in political rumors,” she said. Moreover, she added that the role of Greece ‘s Prime Minister’s advisor Chysanthos Lazaridis is not questioned by Greek Finance Minister Gikas Hardouvelis or by anyone else, adding that Lazaridis will be present at the negotiations with the Troika, if it is necessary. In the meantime, the Minister of Finance was unable to go to his office this morning due to a viral infection that has made him ill since yesterday. Mr. Gikas Hardouvelis appeared at the Ministry at 5pm and therefore did not meet with Mr. Lazaridis at all.