
Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Pulse: SYRIZA Shows 5% Lead

A new poll by Pulse showed that Greece’s main opposition party SYRIZA has a 5% lead over ruling New Democracy. For vote intention, SYRIZA gathered 27% of the votes, followed by New Democracy with 22%, while Golden Dawn was third with 7%. Meanwhile, PASOK was in fourth place with 6.5%, followed by “To Potami” with 6% and the Greek Communist Party (KKE) with 5.5%. Independent Greeks (ANEL) collected 3% of the votes so they would be in the verge of staying out of the Greek Parliament, while Democratic Left (DIMAR) and LAOS collected 1.5% and 1% respectively, which means that they would not have any representatives in Parliament. The indecisive votes amounted to 9.5%, while blank votes and abstention rose to 7%. After the final estimates, the national elections voting intention is as follows: SYRIZA 28.5% New Democracy 23.5% Golden Dawn 7.5% PASOK 7% To Potami 6.5% KKE 6% ANEL 3.5 % DIMAR 1.5% “Other Party” 4.5% Undecided 10.5% In addition, the survey recorded very interesting facts regarding the person that Greeks believe would be more suitable as Prime Minister and whether the Presidential election must be made by the present Parliament. Furthermore, respondents were also questioned about which government they think will be able to get the country out of the Memorandum and their view on who is responsible for the recent economic turmoil in Athens Stock Exchange and the Greek bonds’ spreads.