
Sunday, October 5, 2014

Poll: 46.2% Against Early Elections in Greece

Greek newspaper “Typos tis Kyriakis” published a poll by E-VOICE showing Greece’s main opposition party SYRIZA in the lead by 3.7 points (21.2%), compared to New Democracy’s 17.5%. Golden Dawn follows with 5.3%, To Potami with 4.6%, the Greek Communist Party (KKE) with 4.4%, PASOK with 3.9%, Independent Greeks (ANEL) with 2%, LAOS with 1.1% and Democratic Left (DIMAR) with 0.8% while undecided voters reach 16.7%. On the question wether the country should or should not be led to early elections, opinions were divided. 46.2% answered “not” and 45% “should.” However, 44% believes that the country will go to the polls on the occasion of the election process of the new President of the Hellenic Republic, while 35.9% has a different opinion. Samaras or Tsipras? On the question who is able to better handle the economic crisis, Prime Minister Antonis Samaras is 4.4 points ahead of Alexis Tsipras, with 23.1% and 18.7% respectively. Samaras also wins the favor for most suitable Prime Minister with 35.7% over Tsipras’ 31.9%, a 3.8 point lead, while the answer “none” reaches 31%. The survey was conducted from September 29 to October 2, 2014, and includes the government’s decision to submit a request for vote of confidence in Parliament.