
Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Pedophile Lured Athens Kids Through Online Game

Greek Cyber Crime Unit Head Manolis Sfakianakis presented shocking data to the Parliament regarding pedophiles, operating mostly in Athens. According to data released by Sfakianakis, one particular pedophile had managed to lure ten children from Athens, using an online game called “Dress up Doll.” The man got the children to photograph themselves or have their parents take a photo of them naked in the bathroom. Meanwhile, Education Minister Andreas Loverdos submitted a report regarding a school teacher in Chania, Crete, who had seduced a sixth-grader in the past and was later reappointed as a substitute teacher in Heraklion, while her file only included the comment “innapropriate behavior during service.” Sfakianakis presented further data regarding internet crimes. Over the last three years, a total of 1,028 people have been arrested on charges of Internet crimes, 271 of which were accused of child pornography. He also said that during the last eight years, the Cyber Crime Unit has managed to prevent 1,060 suicides. “When I was in New York, someone said that there was a young person in my country who was injuring herself on camera. I immediately found the channel and notified the Unit who tracked her down and alerted the Greek Police and the Health Service. The FBI has rewarded us for this case,” he said. Furthermore, he mentioned the TLO program which scans the web in Greece and monitors everything that is happening, for example, tracking child pornography material. “This program has been approved by the Hellenic Authority for Communication Security and Privacy and the Supreme Court prosecutor who believe that it is not violating any personal data,” said Sfakianakis.