
Monday, October 13, 2014

Greek Teens Experience Sex at the Age of 14

Greek teens start their sexual life at the age of 14, while at the same time they avoid using condoms or other required methods of protection with undesirable results, shows a research conducted by the Paediatric and Adolescent Gynaecology Clinic of Hospital «Alexandra». Doctors say that apart from their early sexual experiences, Greek teenagers tend to contract Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STDs) more than their foreign coevals, when only a few years ago this percentage was well below the international average. Yet, 78% of them state that they make use of condoms but only 42% use it regularly. The results are shocking: amongst 149 sexually active girls aged 13 to 19, 62 of them (42%) were found positive in one form of HPV virus and yet another 30 positive in more than one forms of it. “It is possible that they have more than one sexual partners” says the Clinic’s director Lina Michala to Greek newspaper “Kathimerini,” adding that “5% – 6% of teenagers from the age of 15 to 19 years have been infected by Chlamydia.” In addition, according to another research by the Adolescent Welfare Unit of the Second Pediatric Clinic of Athens University Hospital based on 1538 school pupils in Attica prefecture, 8,2% of them have unprotected sex and the same percentage of girls have taken the so called «morning after pill» at least once. “Grown up women seem to understand that the pill does not protect them from STDs. On the contrary, this is not the case when it comes to younger girls. It is not an exaggeration to say that they use the morning after pill as if it was candy,” specialists conclude. The same research shows that while the majority of pupils have their first sexual experience at the age of 14, 5,7% of them have already experienced sex at 12 and 10,2% at the age of 13.