
Saturday, October 25, 2014

Greek Students from Patras Build Electric Car

The first electric car designed and built by Greeks was presented at the Hellenic Motor Museum in Athens on October 23. The presentation follows the University of Patras team victory in the “Formula Student Czech 2014” international competition. For almost two years, the Laboratory of Manufacturing Systems and Automation at the University of Patras, directed by Professor George Chryssolouris, has launched a pioneering program for the creation of a single-seat electric car, designed and made entirely by undergraduate students. The students aimed to participate in the Formula Student competition to receive a distinction, but also to learn. “Formula Student” is a competition open to students of polytechnic schools around the world. Its aim is to build single-seat cars. The competition evaluates teams on the design and construction of a single-seat car, as well as on the team’s ability to present an adequate business plan for its production. The Greek team’s electric car has 110 horsepower and 750Nm of torque. It uses advanced manufacturing technologies and materials. It weighs about 235 kilograms. “There are teams of students in Greek universities who are trying to make the establishments better,” said the Patras team leader Charis Bikas during the presentation.