
Friday, October 17, 2014

Greek E-commerce Increased by 25% in 2013

The e-commerce proceeds in Greece increased by 25% last year compared to 2012, reaching 3.2 billion euros, according to a report on online trade in southern Europe published on Thursday by E-commerce Europe. It is estimated that this rise is due to the proliferation of online offers and discounts in the crisis period. This rapid increase in internet purchases has turned the e-commerce sector in one of the fastest-growing in Greek economy, with its contribution to Greece’s gross domestic product reaching 1.76%. The report notes that online purchases could help the Greek economy grow in the coming years. Half of internet purchases in Greece are related to services and the other half to products. In 2013, the turnover of retail trade increased by 2.9%. It is not accidental that apart from businesses operating exclusively on internet sales, more and more traditional businesses create electronic shops. The increase in the turnover of e-commerce has exceeded both the average in southern Europe (18.9%) and the average across the European Union (14.7%). The report ranks Greeks first in southern Europe, in terms of money spent in internet purchases. The E-commerce Europe report included Spain, Italy, Turkey, Greece, Portugal, Croatia, Cyprus and Malta.