
Thursday, October 16, 2014

Global Financial Markets Continue to Navigate Rough Seas

rough_sea.jpg Home Page News Page Global Financial Markets Continue to Navigate Rough Seas The global markets are struggling to regain some semblance of stability.  The US dollar is consolidating yesterday's losses and is modestly firmer.  US 10-year Treasury yields have slipped back to near 2.0%, while the 10-year German bund yield has slipped to new record lows, below 75 bp.  Peripheral bond yields are sharply higher (14-18 bp), though Greek bonds remain under sharp pressure, and the 10-year yield has jumped another 85 bp, which brings the five-session increase to almost 200 bp.   The global markets are struggling to regain some semblance of stability. Equities in Asia continued to fall after sizable losses in the US yesterday. Oil prices continue to slide. See Also links url: Title:  Dollar Pulls Back Slightly But Remains Strong See Also type:  Reference Featured Report That You Might Like:  Compete Inc. CCID Consulting Company Limited read more