
Monday, October 20, 2014

Cretan Village Hosts Museum of Greek Rural History

Arolithos is a unique, traditional Cretan village. It lies just 11 kilometers away from Heraklion, along the old national road connecting it with Rethymnon. Built on a mountain slope, in the wild Cretan landscape, the village is a feast for the eyes, evoking memories from the past for older generations, regarding their way of living, while revealing the simplicity and beauty of old times to younger generations. The Museum of Rural History and Popular Art in the Greek village of Arolithos includes two old traditional houses which represent rural life, architecture and decoration of people in areas around Crete during the 19th century. The first house is made of stone and consists of two main chambers that are divided into individual rooms suitable for different daily activities. One chamber includes a loom and a sofa, for example, as well as a kitchen. The second chamber includes a wine press that can be turned into a bed, a space for children, an underpass that can be used as storage space and a place where animals can rest and feed. The home also includes a fireplace, jars for oil and cereal, dowry chests, farm tools and other decorative items. The second house could be the house of a noble villager. The walls have been plastered and there is no place for animals or storage within the house. The bed is made of wood and the room is decorated with photographs and linens are hanged on the walls, a sign of nobility.