
Friday, October 17, 2014

Angela Merkel: the eurozone's one constant

Since Angela Merkel took office in November 2005, there have been 54 different leaders in other eurozone countries, an average of more than three per currency union member Five years ago today, Greeces then Prime Minister, George Papandreou, disclosed to the world that his country was in severe fiscal difficulties. Recessions dipped and then double dipped, while debt soared. Unemployment rates, especially among young people, hit record highs in many parts of eurozone. Growth plummeted, and in many parts of the continent has yet to recover.One constant throughout the eurozone crisis has been Germanys chancellor, Angela Merkel. Since Merkel took office in 2005, there have been 54 different leaders atop eurozone member countries - an average of more than three per country. Continue reading...