
Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Accomplice of Greece’s No1 Fugitive Arrested at Athens Airport

Self-proclaimed anarchist and accomplice of Greece’s number one fugitive Vassilis Paleokostas, was arrested today at Athens International Airport “Eleftherios Venizelos” while attempting to flee the country boarding to a Brussels flight, in violation of his parole. Polykarpos Georgiadis was recently released from prison after serving part of his 12-year sentence that was imposed on him for his role in the 2008 abduction of industrialist Georgios Mylonas. His release on parole required that he would not attempt to leave the country. Georgiadis did not resist arrest, declaring to police that he had no intention to disappear and that his parole was unconditional. In addition, according to police sources, he stated that he was planning to visit friends in Belgium and return back to Greece. A return ticket was found on his possession. Despite his claims, he was driven before the attorney facing charges of breaking his parole conditions. Georgiadis, that has never pleaded guilty to the charges he was imprisoned for, has been linked to Paleokostas, a prolific high-stakes robber with a colorful background, who has made two dramatic escapes from the Greek capital’s Korydallos prison, the last one by helicopter in 2009. Paleokostas’ hideout during the prominent industrialist’s abduction was rented on Georgiadis’ name.