
Thursday, October 23, 2014

A British teenager has been murdered abroad why is David Cameron so quiet?

Cameron has intervened over the killing of David Miller and Hannah Witheridge in Thailand, but for Tyrell Matthews-Burton he does nothing. There is no consistencyI want people to know Tyrells life was important and that his death was senseless, unnecessary and brutal. Not my words, but those of Tyrell Matthews-Burtons mother, Sharon Matthews. At present she is sat in a Greek court trying to piece together what action has been taken since her only son was stabbed to death on his 19th birthday in Malia last year. Two other young British men sit accused of this crime, and a further 14 other UK nationals are also connected to the incident or charged with offences.Despite the overwhelming British interests in ensuring a fair trial and active investigation, our government continues to sit on the sidelines and this incident remains stubbornly outside the public eye. Continue reading...