
Saturday, September 20, 2014

Ryan Gosling’s Greek Look-alike

George Gasteratos, a man from the island of Corfu in western Greece, is the Greek look-alike of the Hollywood star Ryan Gosling. In fact, the resemblance is so uncanny that if Gasteratos were to live in the US, some think he could work as Gosling’s double. “I have often been told that I look like him,” said Gasteratos, admitting that he didn’t know who Ryan Gosling was at first. “To be honest, I did not know his name and I Googled him to see who he was. Of course, when the photos appeared on my computer, I realized that at least I knew his face,” he told Greek newspaper “Espresso.” The 27-year-old works as a model in Greece. He says that everyone — work colleagues, unknown girls on Facebook — insists that he resembles Gosling. Gasteratos will soon depart for neighboring Turkey, where he has received many work proposals from noted designers.