
Monday, September 29, 2014

Poll: SYRIZA is Greece’s Most Popular Political Party

According to the second installment of Public Issue’s survey of the Greek electorate, SYRIZA is the political party favored by most Greeks today, having increased its lead over rival New Democracy by 13 percentage points. The first part of the survey was published on Saturday. Participants interviewed after the survey explained that SYRIZA now appears more in touch with “the interests of the middle class,” while New Democracy has grown “closer to the rich.”   Over 1000 participants took part in the week-long nationwide telephone survey, which concluded September 23rd. Nearly 45% of those polled considered SYRIZA Greece’s most popular political party, followed by New Democracy and the newly-launched party To Potami Party at 32% each, the Communist Party at 29%, Independent Greeks at 25%, Democratic Left at 24%, PASOK at 17% and Golden Dawn at 10%. As far as unpopularity of political parties is concerned, Golden Dawn ranked first with 86% of the electorate. PASOK followed at 79%, Democratic Left at 71%, Independent Greeks at 68%, KKE at 66%. New Democracy followed at 65%, To Potami at 57% and SYRIZA at 52%. Notably, SYRIZA is the only party to record a shift in standing compared to the previous installment of Public Issue’s survey, conducted the first week of July. According to the poll, roughly 37% of Greeks believe that New Democracy is dependent on the rich. 27% consider the party an able leader, with just 23% confident that it can negotiate the country’s debt. 22% of those surveyed believe that New Democracy has the most competent leadership, while a mere one in five Greeks believed that New Democracy can lead Greece out of debt.  Just five percent of Greeks believe that SYRIZA is dependent on the rich. 23% consider it a capable first party, while nearly one in three Greeks believe that it can negotiate the country’s debt. 19% believe that it has the most capable executives, one in four believe that it can achieve the economic recovery of Greece, while 34% and 37% believe that it is more aligned to public sector employees and the interest of the middle class, respectively.