
Monday, September 1, 2014

Plan to Prevent The “Great Minds of Greece” From Leaving

Greek Minister of Labor Giannis Vroutsis announced that he has formed a new plan so that the “great minds of Greece,” people who have graduated from higher educational institutions, don’t feel the need to leave the country in order to find a decent job. Vroutsis presented his plan to the first meeting of the Governing Council for Employment, today, September 1. According to the Minister, the plan includes a mix of institutional incentives and financial resources, mostly from the European Social Fund (ESF), in order to benefit companies, bodies and, of course, young people. The Minister aims for the Greek labor market to take full advantage of the young Greek university graduates who have excelled in their discipline. The project will be implemented in collaboration with the Ministry of Education and, in particular, the State Scholarships Foundation, which will be instrumental in locating young people who have excelled. With the implementation of these measures, young Greeks who graduate from universities of the Greek public educational system will be faced with better conditions in regards to production and creation, thus strengthening the new, extroverted, competitive and developmental model of the Greek economy, said Vroutsis. Moreover, in order to combat undeclared work, the Minister promoted the creation of a special business register, which will include companies that have showed exemplary behavior in their obligations to employees as well as the state.