
Monday, September 22, 2014

Opinion Polls: SYRIZA in the Lead Over New Democracy

SYRIZA has widened its lead over the Greek government coalition parties. An opinion poll conducted by ALCO, regarding voting intention, showed that the opposition party gathered 26%, while New Democracy came in second place with 22.2%. Meanwhile, MRB conducted a second poll which also showed SYRIZA in the lead, with 23.6%, leaving New Democracy in second place with 19.9%. The poll results suggest that the voting for the new President of the Hellenic Republic may lead to early national elections, given that the opposition has promised to block any candidate proposed by the current government. Greek Prime Minister Antonis Samaras has 154 MPs on his side, out of a total of 300, however he will need at least 180 votes in order to select a new President. Furthermore, ALCO’s poll showed that PASOK had gathered 4.3% of Greeks’ vote, Independent Greeks (ANEL) 3.1%, Golden Dawn 6.2%, Democratic Left (DIMAR) 1.7%, Greek Communist Party (KKE) 4.4%, To Potami 4.3%, LAOS 1.1% and Ecologist Greens 1%. On the other hand, the MRB poll showed that PASOK had 4.2%, ANEL 3.2%, Golden Dawn 6.7%, DIMAR 1%, KKE 5.1% and To Potami 5.6%. Finally, regarding which politician is considered more reliable, Samaras gathered 33,5% of the votes and Alexis Tsipras 32.5% in ALCO’s poll, while Samaras got 26.6% and Tsipras 26.2% in the MRB poll.