
Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Jihadist Arrested in Belgium Had Legal Greek Permit

A jihadist arrested in Belgium on charges of participating in jihadist operations in Syria and Iraq had a legal residency permit in Greece, authorities say. On Wednesday, a 24-year old jihadist travelled from Athens International Airport to Charleroi, Belgium. He passed undetected by Greek authorities. His journey ended when Belgian authorities verified that his French-issued passport was fake. In his luggage, police discovered photos and documents proving his connection to an Islamic terrorist group and his participation in military operations in Iraq and Syria. Reports have now emerged that the jihadist had a six-month residency permit in Greece. He is believed to have lived in the area near Acharnon Street in Athens. He did not apply for asylum upon entering Greece. In June 2014, the Syrian had entered Greece from Turkey via Rhodes along with other illegal immigrants. He is believed to have links with the al-Nusrah Front, a branch of al-Qaeda operating in Syria and Lebanon.