
Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Hardouvelis to Table 2015 Draft Budget on Oct. 6

The Greek Parliament concludes its summer recess sessions this week and launches the new period for the Regular Plenary Session on Monday. On Monday, October 6, Greece’s Finance Minister Gikas Hardouvelis will table the 2015 draft budget in Parliament. According to the Parliament’s standing orders, the draft budget is to be submitted for debate to the Standing Committee on Economic Affairs every year on the first monday of October. This week, the third summer recess section will hold a debate and a vote on a bill concerning the legal status of Greece’s religious communities. During the past few months, Parliament’s summer recess sections have voted on significant bills and provisions, including one regarding the “small Public Power Corp,” one concering changes in the calculation of the Uniform Real Estate Ownership Tax (ENFIA), as well as one addressing the evaluation of all Greek public employees.