
Monday, September 22, 2014

Greek Public Sector Union ADEDY Calls for Strike

Greek public sector union ADEDY has called for a 24-hour strike on Tuesday, following a court decision that ruled ADEDY’s initial attempt to abstain from new employee evaluation processes “illegal and abusive.” Additionally, the union has decided to launch a new round of actions calling for abstention from “all processes related to evaluation in the public sector” and all procedures related to the conversion of fixed-term contracts to indefinite ones. The union also opposes new measures that will individually appraise teachers’ performances. ADEDY’s executive committee has brought accusations against the State of “using the justice system to deal with public employees’ labor action and of implementing a criminalization policy of union struggles aimed to abolish the right to strike.” ADEDY has also called for a rally on Tuesday at 9:30 AM outside the Areios Pagos Supreme Court, where a final decision on the State’s recent firing of finance ministry cleaners is expected to take place.