
Thursday, September 11, 2014

Greek Parliament Ratifies ENFIA Tax Amendment

The debate over the unified property tax (ENFIA) amendment resumed this morning in Parliament for voting. The third summer session ratified the amendment, after a roll-cast vote called by main opposition SYRIZA party. The amendment was ratified with 51 votes in favor (coalition government), 38 against (SYRIZA, DIMAR, Golden Dawn and Independent Greeks) and six “present” votes (KKE and two independent MPs). Parliament is still in its summer session and only 100, instead of the House’s elected 300 MPs, were required for the vote. The amendment introducing changes to the ENFIA prompted a heated debate in Parliament on Wednesday, however it was not “enough” to stop the government from implementing its financial policy measures. New Democracy MP Adonis Georgiadis called on the MPs to vote in favor of the new amendment, which he said corrects injustice, and pointed out that people will otherwise have to pay more. New Democracy MP Lefteris Avgenakis and PASOK MP Nikos Sifounakis both said they would not vote for the amendment as it was deemed insufficient to make the new tax fairer. SYRIZA parliamentary spokesman Thodoris Dritsas spoke of an ‘occupation’ tax and overtaxation of people who are unable to pay, while Independent Greeks spokesman Pavlos Haikalis called on people “not to pay”. “It is an unfair and anti-growth law, and the amendment introduced corrects blatant mistakes instead of injustice,” Democratic Left (DIMAR) spokesperson Assimina Xirotiri said, while Greek Communist Party (KKE) spokesman Nikos Karathanassopoulos characterized the amendment as anti-popular. On his part, Finance Minister Gikas Hardouvelis stated that he understands and respects the MPs’ reactions, however he called the amendment a just and necessary step to safeguard the country’s positive course.