
Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Greece Reports 3.2 bln Euros Primary Surplus in Jan-July

The Greek government on Wednesday reported a primary surplus of 3.2 billion euros or 1.8% of GDP, in the January-July period this year, from a primary surplus of 1.8 billion or 1.0% of GDP in the corresponding period of 2013. According to official figures, the state’s overdue debt to the private sector decreased to 3.91 billion euros at the end of July, from 4.58 billion euros a month earlier, dropping from the 4.0 billion level for the first time this year. Including tax returns, the state’s overdue debt to the private sector fell to 4.655 billion euros from 5.254 billion euros in June. Overdue debt by pension funds dropped by approximately 700 million euros to 2.293 billion euros, while overdue debt by local authorities dropped to 357 million euros in July, from 388 million in June. On the other hand, overdue debt by state hospitals increased to 819 million euros in July, from 790 million euros in June. Commenting on the figures, Finance Alternate Minister Christos Staikouras said that Greece continues moving within a fiscal framework of an economic program for the second successive year, thanks to the sacrifices made by households and enterprises. The creation of primary surplus offered the necessary basis for economic growth and social justice and cohesion. (source: ana-mpa)