
Thursday, September 18, 2014

Fyssas Murder: How Authorities Connect Golden Dawn to the Killing

September 18, 2013: Pavlos Fyssas is stabbed by Golden Dawn member George Roupakias in the Keratsini area of Piraeus. The assassination marks the beginning of the “unveiling” of the political-criminal activities of Golden Dawn. The Greek public is jolted by this incident. Once the initial shock wears off, the anti-fascist demonstrations begin – not just in Greece, but in cities throughout Europe. The site of the rapper’s death becomes a rallying point. Revelations about Golden Dawn’s criminal activity soon follow. In the wake of the brutal murder in Keratsini, it becomes clear that the murder was politically-motivated. The 34-year old musician had gone with his fiancee and friends to a cafeteria in the area of Amfiali to watch a football match of his favorite team, Olympiakos. A discussion began in which Fyssas allegedly made a provocative remark about Golden Dawn. The rapper left the cafeteria after the match was over; according to eye witnesses, a gang of Golden Dawn members was waiting for him to ask him why he had made the provocative remark about their party. About 30 Golden Dawn members in military trousers gathered outside the cafeteria. Two were holding batons. Pavlos Fyssas started to walk to Panagi Tsaldari street with his fiancee. Police forces of the DIAS motorcycle group reached the area but, because they were afraid to interfere in the assembled group, they decided to stand aside. The offender, George Roupakias, approached Fyssas and stabbed him in the chest. Immediately after Roupakias pulled a knife, a female officer of the DIAS police force threw him to the ground and handcuffed him. Pavlos Fyssas did not make it, however; he died on the street, next to his fiancee. Roupakis has since admitted that he is a Golden Dawn member. From that point forth, the group’s “criminal activities” have been gradually unveiled. According to investigations, Golden Dawn members had “called” the gang to commit this murder. Golden Dawn correspondences and SMS messages subsequently gathered by the Greek police have revealed shocking details not only about this murder, but about the “provocative actions” of other Golden Dawn members. Several, including Nikolaos Michaloliakos, Golden Dawn’s founder and leader, have been arrested and currently sit in Korydallos prison awaiting trial.