
Thursday, September 18, 2014

European fruit growers bruised by Russian sanctions

Moscow's tit-for-tat ban on imports of fruits and vegetables over Ukraine crisis leaves EU producers facing bleak autumnWhen Russia banned imports of Polish apples in July, politicians and the public laughed off the move by posing with the forbidden fruit on Twitter. Everyone from the head of the national security bureau to TV presenters posted gleeful photos, making the "Eat apples to annoy Putin" campaign a social media hit.Six weeks later, after the Kremlin extended its ban to all European fresh produce, from Greek peaches to German gherkins and Lithuanian cauliflowers, eating apples as a political statement is wearing thin. "In the beginning there was a slight growth in consumption, but now it has gone back to normal," says Jolanta Kazimierska, head of the Polish Fruit Union. Continue reading...