
Thursday, September 18, 2014

Clashes During Rally for Pavlos Fyssas

Clashes occurred during a march held in Piraeus, Greece, in memory of rap singer Pavlos Fyssas who was stabbed to death a year ago by a Golden Dawn supporter. The march that started peacefully, turned violent when about 100 of the participants were involved in clashes. The rioters broke the windows of a public bus while they tried to set it on fire.  They also set fire to trash cans and used them as barricades, while Greek Police responded with tear gas. The rioters also attacked local shops, a bank, a store with mobile phones and a Citizen Service Centre (KEP). As reported, one bystander was injured while the police had no immediate reports of arrests. On September 18, 2013, the 34 year-old Greek rapper was stabbed by Giorgos Roupakias in the area of Keratsini, in Piraeus. Fyssas’ provocative comments against Golden Dawn led to the attack that caused his death. His murder triggered extensive investigation for the actions of the extreme-right party and led to the arrest of several Golden Dawn MPs, including party leader Nikos Michaloliakos. A monument in honor of Fyssas at the murder site in Keratsini was unveiled on Thursday afternoon, in the presence of friends, relatives and fans.