
Monday, September 8, 2014

30,000 Euro Fine to Dog Killer Restaurant Owner

Even though the Animal Welfare movement’s win against the man who fatally wounded a small dog in Nea Styra, Euboea, cannot bring the dog back, it was a great feat. Regional authorities in central Greece ratified the administrative 30,000-euro fine to a restaurant owner from Nea Styra, while a criminal investigation on the case is also expected to take place, after a file was formed against him by the area’s port authorities. The restaurant owner had protested against the fine but his request was rejected since the Veterinary Faculty of the Department of Agriculture and Veterinary Medicine of the Region of Central Greece decided that he had to pay the fine on Friday, September 5. The unfortunate dog named Maggie was euthanized because it was impossible to treat the trauma she had suffered when the restaurant owner hit her with a chair. The killing of the small dog caused strong reactions, both in the region and across Greece, leading to protests in front of the offender’s restaurant.