
Monday, August 11, 2014

Racist and Hateful Slogans by Greek Soldiers Cause International Turmoil

A video showing Greek soldiers in Stavrovouni, Cyprus, chanting hateful slogans against Turkey and Albania has caused widespread reactions in Greece and abroad. The video was aired on the Kosovan national TV while Turkish media also picked up the footage. The leaked footage shows about 50 Greek soldiers training and singing hateful songs about how they want to “drink the blood of Turks, Albanians and Kosovans in the mountains.” They threaten to invade Cyprus and FYROM and claim the Hagia Sofia in Istanbul, Turkey. “Hagia Sofia will be Greek again and Cyprus will belong to Greece,” they say, evoking the idea of Greater Greece. The video is currently under investigation to find out whether such extreme nationalist slogans are common in the Greek army, or, if it is just an isolated incident. The Greek Defense Ministry hasn’t commented on the video. Watch the full video below: