
Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Pilot Educational Program Offered to Soldiers Serving the Cyprus Armed Forces

Soldiers serving in the Cypriot National Guard will have the opportunity to study through the Open University, following a Cabinet decision and the cooperation between the Ministry of Education and Culture, the Ministry of Defense and the Open University. The offer will apply to soldiers who have secured a seat at the higher educational establishments in Cyprus and Greece for a degree course, an official press release announced. The program will start on a pilot basis, at an estimated cost of 36.000 euro for the spring term in 2014-2015, beginning January next year, funds for which will be drawn from the Ministries of Education and Defense. The Defense Ministry will select up to 120 soldiers who are serving along the ceasefire line or at remote military units, and taking into account social and economic considerations of the young recruits. The full implementation of the program could be in place as early as September next year. The press release noted that this program will benefit soldiers in many ways, including gaining credits to help reduce their years of higher education and achieve a speedier entry into the labor market. (source: CNA)