
Thursday, August 14, 2014

Loverdos Back to Pasok, Papandreou Back to Politics

Greek Education Minister Andreas Loverdos confirmed on Thursday that he will soon be returning to PASOK party. “It is a given that I will return to PASOK’s parliamentary group,” said the Minister, who quit the socialists in 2012 to form his own party, Pact for a New Greece. Loverdos said that he has agreed on his return to PASOK with party leader and Deputy Prime Minister Evangelos Venizelos. Loverdos’ party united with PASOK as part of the Olive Tree alliance for the European Parliament elections in May. The group received just over 8% of the votes. Loverdos suggested that Democratic Left (DIMAR) should be included in any attempt to revive the center-left. The political re-activation of Papandreou In the meantime, it was announced that former Prime Minister and PASOK President Giorgos Papandreou will also be making a “political comeback” this autumn. He has planned to deliver a speech at Zapeion Hall, on September 3. The day picked is symbolic, since it marks the anniversary of the 40 years of the PASOK party. In his speech, organized by the “Andreas Papandreou” Foundation, under the title “From the Unyielding to Change” will mark “the beginning of a productive dialogue that will contribute productively to the creation of a new coalition of personalities and politicians that will give their own fight for Democracy and Socialism”, the announcement says.