
Thursday, August 14, 2014

Karatzaferis’ Comeback in Greek Politics

Popular-Orthodox LAOS party president Giorgos Karatzaferis appeared on Greek television this morning, to respond to rumors that he is considering returning to New Democracy party. Karatzaferis clarified that his goal is to come to an agreement over a new policy, “to build a new idea for Greece and not to return to New Democracy.” The LAOS president commented that the Samaras-Venizelos government has a short life-span and that he is willing to “prevent” SYRIZA’s rise to power and “contribute towards this goal.” He even made some rather provocative comments on the recent visit of SYRIZA leader Alexis Tsipras to Mount Athos. When asked about the upcoming Presidential election, Karatzaferis estimated that “it will be easier for Samaras and Venizelos to find 180 [MPs], than it will be for Tsipras [to find] 120.” The LAOS president did not rule out the possibility of Samaras calling for an early election after the new President is elected. Karatzaferis was ousted from New Democracy in May 2000 after a clash with party leader Kostas Karamanlis and shortly after established LAOS. He has controversially expressed anti-Semitic views in the past and praised Golden Dawn as “a supplement to New Democracy.” Recently, Karatzaferis suffered from a serious health problem.