
Monday, August 4, 2014

Juncker “Fought Like Lion” to Keep Greece in Euro

During his visit to Athens on Monday Jean-Claude Juncker, incoming President of the European Commission, met with Greek PM Samaras to discuss the current economic situation of the country. EU President-elect Jean-Claude Juncker says he “fought like a lion” to keep Greece in the euro single currency. The former eurogroup chairman on Monday praised Greek efforts to improve public finances but declined to comment on options being considered by eurozone countries to make Greece’s runaway national debt sustainable. Juncker, who succeeds, Jose Manuel Barroso in November, also declined to give details on his choices for the next European Commission. Greece has promised to end a crippling recession this year after being bailed out from the brink of bankruptcy four years ago, with billions in rescue loans from the eurozone and the International Monetary Fund. Furthermore, Juncker commented on the Portugal’s Banco Espirito Santo’s problems, assuring that the Portuguese government had the situation under control. Meanwhile, Antonis Samaras thanked Juncker for his previous efforts to help Greece. He stressed that the country was meeting all bailout objectives and that it was “entering a new era.” Following the comments the euro eased slightly to 1.3420. (source: AP)