
Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Ive got a word for Scrabble champions: mathematicians

So TE has made it into the Scrabble dictionary. It adds weight to the theory that love of language is a hindrance in this gameThe world of Scrabble is AGOG (score 24 if you managed to got one of the Gs on a double-letter score and the whole word on a triple-word score; give up if youve used it without the multipliers). The word TE has just been added to the revised edition of the Official Scrabble Players Dictionary. For Scrabble addicts, this is the HOLY (H on a triple-letter square to score 18, of course) grail. Being able to hook an E underneath T means that I can play far more words, says Robin Pollock Daniel, a Canadian Scrabble expert. I call those the amino acids of Scrabble. The more two-letter words we have, the more possibilities a word will fit.TE, as you will know, is a variant of TI, the seventh tone on the musical scale. It joins AA, AG, AI, AL, EL, ES, FY, KI, KO, KY, MI, MM, MU, NU, OE, PE, XI, XU, YU and ZA on the approved list, although you could go through several lifetimes and never hear this motley collection of abbreviations, archaisms and Greek and Hebrew letters in everyday speech. These may be the amino acids of the quasi-professional Scrabble players tragically circumscribed life, but they are not real words. Can you define a single one of them? Continue reading...