
Thursday, August 28, 2014

Increased Visitors in Most Popular Greek Monuments

Greek Culture Ministry released data showing a significant increase in visitors to some of Greece’s 38 most important archaeological sites and museums during the second quarter of this year, which is mainly attributed to the extension of opening hours. Figures showed that the number of visitors increased by 27% between April and June, compared to the same period last year, while revenue increased by 21%. It appears that the most popular site is Hadrian’s Library in Athens, which recorded a 151% increase in visitor numbers. The newly renovated Archaeological Museum of Heraklion in Crete also drew large crowds, with an 103% increase. The extension of the opening hours in the 38 Greek archaeological sites (from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m.) will apply until October. Tourism is Greece’s most profitable industry that has remained intact by the financial crisis and can help the Greek economy recover. The tourist arrivals in 2014 have reached a record high. It is estimated that the gradual restoration of the country’s image to foreign markets resulted in strengthening the image of the Greek tourism industry.