
Monday, August 18, 2014

Greece Prepares for Next Round of Troika Negotiations

Having the advantage of completing all prior necessary actions for the disbursement of the 1 billion euro loan tranche and being upgraded by Fitch, Greece will face the Troika in the next round of negotiations on September 3rd. Several Greek cabinet members, along with Finance Minister Gikas Hardouvelis, will travel to the French capital in September to seek a new agreement between Greece and the Troika of international lenders. All Ministers that have to work on Memorandum obligations are returning to their offices this week, to speed up actions necessary to meet targets. One of the main issues that has to be clarified by the end of the month is the details regarding the Unified Property Tax ENFIA. The corrections must be submitted to parliament for voting by August 26. The Greek government will try to get the green light to introduce measures to offset the impact of years of austerity such as tax breaks and lenientr repayment terms for individuals and businesses with non-performing loans. The government is already working on a new plan for the settlement of overdue tax payments in order to negotiate with the Troika, who do not agree with the adjustment of overdue payments. On August 30, Prime Minister Antonis Samaras will meet with the newly elected European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker to discuss the Greek debt and illegal immigration. They will also discuss the relations of Greece with the Troika and possible changes in the Greek tax system.