
Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Clashes Between Activists and Tour Guides in Acropolis

Clashes occurred on Tuesday morning on the sacred rock of the Acropolis in Athens, Greece, between tour guides and activists protesting against the war in Gaza. The activists hung a banner which read: “Stop Israel Crime at Gaza”. According to reports, tour guides who were in the area attempted to prevent the activists. The conflict resulted in the light injury of a tour guide who intends to file a lawsuit. Greek Police rushed to the site and proceeded with arrests. The Israel-Gaza conflict escalated in 2014 after the continued blockade of the Gaza Strip by the Israeli army since 2007 and the continued rocket attacks from Gaza. The conflict is the deadliest military operation to have taken place in Gaza, with thousands dead and injured, including children and civilians. According to the UN, about 2,000 Palestinians have been killed, 72% of them civilians, including 459 children and 238 women. The Israeli attacks against Palestinian shelters has caused the international condemnation of Israel.