
Friday, August 22, 2014

BC-AP News Coverage Advisory

by  Associated Press BC-AP News Coverage Advisory Associated Press - 22 August 2014 10:16-04:00 Here's a look at how AP's general news coverage is shaping up today. Some plans are subject to change. HIGHLIGHTING: Among today's coverage highlights as we see them: -- JOURNALIST SLAIN-US OPTIONS (sent; developing) -- ISLAMIC STATE-HOMELAND (upcoming) -- ISRAEL-PALESTINIANS (sent; developing) -- UKRAINE (sent; developing) -- OBAMA-VACATION (upcoming) -- POLICE-BODY CAMERAS (sent) -- MEXICO-DIALING DEPORTEES (sent) -- WASHINGTON FERRIES (upcoming) -- CHINA-COAL GAS BOOM (sent) -- YELLEN (sent; developing) -- ICE BUCKET-PHENOM (upcoming) PHOTOS: ISRAEL-PALESTINIANS (sent; developing) FARMING RESURGENCE (sent; with text and video); PAKISTAN PHOTO ESSAY (upcoming) VIDEO: RUSSIA_AID_CONVOY (sent; with text and photos) Here are details of those stories, plus others we have in the works for today and notable pieces that we sent in the past 10 hours (all times EDT): WORLD JOURNALIST SLAIN-US OPTIONS - At the heart of Obama's quandary over the Islamic State militants is their haven in Syria. SENT: 840 words, photos. UPCOMING: Developing with new reporting and angles. Other separates on merits if there are developments. JOURNALIST SLAIN-FAMILY - The parents of slain journalist James Foley said they regarded an email they received from his captors last week as a hopeful sign they could negotiate with the Islamic militants. SENT: 290 words, photo. UPCOMING: Developing. ISLAMIC STATE-HOMELAND - U.S. law enforcement is urgently trying to neutralize Islamic State sympathizers who they fear could export their brand of jihad to the United States. UPCOMING 650 words by 1600 GMT, photos. ISRAEL-PALESTINIANS - Gaza gunmen killed 18 alleged spies for Israel on Friday, including seven who were lined up behind a mosque and shot after midday prayers, in response to Israel's deadly airstrikes against top Hamas leaders. SENT: 820 words, photos, video. UPCOMING: Developing. UKRAINE - Russia sent dozens of aid trucks into rebel-held eastern Ukraine on Friday without Kiev's approval, saying its patience had worn out with the Ukrainian government's stalling tactics. Ukraine called the move a "direct invasion." The unilateral move sharply raised the stakes in eastern Ukraine, SENT: 810 words, photos, video. UPCOMING: 900 words by 1 p.m. EBOLA - Two new cases of Ebola have emerged in Nigeria and, in an alarming development, they are outside the group of caregivers who treated an airline passenger who arrived with Ebola and died, Health Minister Onyebuchi Chukwu said Friday. SENT: 480 words. THAILAND-BABY MYSTERY - Interpol says it has launched a multinational investigation into what Thailand calls the "Baby Factory" case: a 24-year-old Japanese businessman who has 16 surrogate babies. SENT: 130 words. MALAYSIA-BODIES RETURNED - Coffins carrying Malaysian victims of Flight MH17 return home to a country still searching for those onboard another doomed jet and a government battling the political fallout of the twin tragedies. SENT: 640 words, photos, video. SYRIA - The death toll from three years of Syria's civil war rises to more than 191,000 people, the United Nations reports. SENT: 460 words, photos. PAKISTAN - The party of Pakistan's famed cricketer-turned-politician Imran Khan, who has led a week of anti-government protests in the capital, resigned from parliament on Friday in its latest bid to drive Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif from power over alleged election fraud. SENT: 400 words, photos. UPCOMING: Photo essay; see below. INDIA-HUNGER STRIKE - An Indian activist who has been on a hunger strike for nearly 14 years to protest alleged military brutality scuffles with police as they took her back to the same government hospital where she had been force-fed. SENT: 310 words, photos. CHINA-COAL GAS BOOM - Coal gas boom in China threatens to spew greenhouse gases as world tries to curb emissions. SENT: 1,300 words, photos, video. TUNISIA CRACKDOWN - Mosques are being closed down, NGOs banned and at least 1,000 people have been arrested as Tunisia carries out a wide-ranging crackdown against those suspected of sympathizing with radical Islamic extremists. SENT: 800 words, photos. INDIA-MODI BACKLASH - Critics - and even many supporters - have started to accuse Prime Minister Narendra Modi of squandering his powerful mandate in this boisterous country of 1.3 billion people. SENT: 1,080 words, photos. MEXICO-DIALING DEPORTEES - Mexicans deported in huge numbers find refuge in call centers in Tijuana and other border cities. SENT: 1,200 words, photos. EUROPE-STOPPING-JIHAD - Two girls, aged 15 and 17, are under investigation in France for allegedly making plans to join jihadis in Syria. SENT: 130 words. ARGENTINA-DEFAULT - A federal judge in Manhattan says Argentina's plans to evade his orders, by failing to make required payments to U.S. bondholders, is illegal. SENT: 730 words, photo. JAPAN-LANDSLIDES - Forecasts of more heavy rains in western Japan raise the risk of further landslides in Hiroshima, hindering efforts to locate dozens of people still missing after hills around the city collapsed earlier this week. SENT: 180 words, photos. POLAND-CIDER DEBATE - Poland's Economy Ministry wants the nation of beer and vodka lovers to drink more cider. SENT: 280 words, photos. CHINA-MURDER ACQUITTAL - A Chinese court acquits a death-row inmate who spent eight years behind bars for double murder in a high-profile case that observers say is a rare exception in a court system riddled with wrongful convictions. SENT: 670 words. PHILIPPINES-CYBER EXTORTION - Philippine police arrest eight suspected members of an online syndicate accused of blackmailing more than 1,000 Hong Kong and Singapore residents after luring them into exposing themselves in front of webcams, an official says. SENT: 340 words. SKOREA-PROSECUTOR LEWD ACTS - The former chief prosecutor on a South Korean island admits to performing lewd acts on city streets and feels extremely shameful for his behavior, his lawyer says. . SENT: 240 words, photos. US POLICE BODY CAMERAS - What if Michael Brown's last moments had been recorded? The fatal police shooting is prompting calls for more officers to wear so-called "body cameras," which capture video footage of law enforcement's interactions with the public. SENT: 890 words, photo. POLICE SHOOTING-MISSOURI - The streets of Ferguson remain peaceful for another night, as protests and tensions are subsiding and Gov. Jay Nixon orders the Missouri National Guard to begin withdrawing from the St. Louis suburb. SENT: 670 words, photos, video, audio. UPCOMING: Developing. POLICE CHOKEHOLD DEATH - The Rev. Al Sharpton plans to lead a march and rally Saturday to seek justice for Eric Garner, who died after police tried to arrest him last month on Staten Island for selling loose cigarettes. Thousands of demonstrators, including members of Michael Brown's family, are set to march to the office of Staten Island District Attorney Daniel Donovan and rally to demand that charges be filed against the officers involved Garner's death. UPCOMING: 400 words by 2100 GMT, file photos. MARYLAND ALCOHOL BAN-VIOLINS - Binge drinkers and frat boys aren't the only ones despairing over Maryland's new ban on grain alcohol: Violin makers who used the liquor to make varnish are also affected. SENT: 120 words. WASHINGTON OBAMA-VACATION — Often criticized for going on vacation, Obama is on par with most Americans who average four leisure trips per year, according to the U.S. Travel Association. The president is also about even with most Americans in terms of the length of the vacations. UPCOMING: 650 words by 2000 GMT, photos. POLITICS POLICE SHOOTING-2016 - Treading carefully on the subject of race, prospective 2016 presidential candidates have taken a cautious approach to addressing clashes between protesters and the police. UPCOMING: 500 words by 1800 GMT. BUSINESS /ECONOMY YELLEN - Two days after the Federal Reserve revealed an intensifying internal debate over interest rates, Chair Janet Yellen will address the annual Fed conference with investors seeking any clear hints of when it might start raising rates. SENT: 600 words, photos. UPCOMING: Updates after release of speech at 1400 GMT, photos. CENTRAL BANKERS AT ODDS - The central bankers gathered at Jackson Hole pursue economic policies that in some cases are at odds with one another. SENT: 1,020 words. JELLO-FLOP - Despite its enduring place in pop culture, sales have tumbled 19 percent from five years ago, with alternatives such as Greek yogurt surging in popularity. SENT: 900 words, photos. TECH DIGITAL LIFE-GADGET WATCH-HEAT CAMERA - Tired of the selfie? Get ready for the "thermie," or, as I like to call it, the "hottie." That's when you take a picture of the heat emanating from your body, using a thermal camera back for your iPhone. UPCOMING: 600 words by noon, photos. POP CULTURE/LIFESTYLES ICEBUCKET-PHENOM — The ice bucket challenge's success is prompting other charitable organizations to rethink how they connect with a younger generation of potential donors, specifically how they connect through social media. UPCOMING: 800 words by 1400 GMT, photos. ARTS AND ENTERTAINMENT THEATER-MOTOWN - "Motown the Musical" is taking a break from Broadway. SENT: 130 words, photos. INDIA-FILM CONTROVERSY - India has blocked the release of a film on the assassination of former Prime Minister Indira Gandhi. SENT: 540 words, photos. PHOTOGRAPHY PAKISTAN PHOTO ESSAY - Thousands of protesters have descended on Pakistan's capital to call for Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif's resignation and the dissolution of parliament. The week-long protests around the parliament building have been loud and boisterous but peaceful. But despite their color, there is the other side to the demonstrations — the increased demand for food, water and toilets to accommodate the supporters of cricketer-turned-politician Imran Khan and popular cleric Tahir-ul-Qadri. UPCOMING. News Topics: General news, Violent crime, Protests and demonstrations, Religion and politics, Political resignations, Crime, Government and politics, Police, Vacations, Territorial disputes, Malaysia Airlines Flight 17 crash, Landslides and mudslides, Parliamentary elections, Hunger strikes, Civil wars, Ebola virus, Theater, Legislature, Political and civil unrest, Religious issues, Religion, Social affairs, Social issues, Law enforcement agencies, Leisure travel, Travel, Lifestyle, War and unrest, Events, Natural disasters, Accidents and disasters, Elections, Hemorrhagic fever, Infectious diseases, Diseases and conditions, Health, Performing arts, Entertainment, Arts and entertainment People, Places and Companies: James Foley, Nawaz Sharif, Narendra Modi, Michael Brown, Jay Nixon, Al Sharpton, Janet Yellen, Indira Gandhi, Pakistan, United States, Israel, Syria, Japan, Ukraine, Thailand, Mexico, Middle East, Southeast Asia, Missouri, South Asia, Asia, North America, East Asia, Eastern Europe, Europe, Central America, Latin America and Caribbean Copyright 2014 The Associated Press. 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