
Thursday, August 21, 2014

AP Weekly News Calendar

by  Associated Press AP Weekly News Calendar by The Associated Press, Associated Press - 20 August 2014 20:06-04:00 Thursday, August 21: KOUROU, French Guiana — Arianespace launches the first of 22 satellites that will form part of Europe's first navigation system. BOSTON — A friend of Boston Marathon bombing suspect Dzhokhar Tsarnaev is expected to plead guilty to impeding the investigation into the deadly attack. Friday, August 22: AMPHIPOLIS — Archaeologists are expected to open a massive ancient tomb in northern Greece, which is expected to solve the big mystery of who might be buried within. KUALA LUMPUR — The bodies of 15 Malaysians who died on board flight MH17 will arrive back in the country. Saturday, August 23: CAIRO — Palestinian leader Mahmoud Abbas expected to meet with Egyptian President Abdel-Fattah el-Sissi over truce talks and expected reconstruction for Gaza conference. CAIRO — Trial of ousted Islamist President Mohammed Morsi and 130 others in the prison break case resumes. NEW YORK — The Rev. Al Sharpton plans to lead a protest over the chokehold death of a man who died after police tried to arrest him for selling loose cigarettes. Sunday, August 24: No events noted. Monday, August 25: ISLAMABAD — Top diplomats of Pakistan and India meet to discuss a range of issues. GLASGOW, SCOTLAND — The Scottish independence leader clashes with the representative of forces hoping to keep Scotland in the UK in the final debate before the Sept. 18 referendum. BERLIN — Germany's Ifo institute releases its monthly business confidence index, a key indicator for Europe's biggest economy. Tuesday, August 26: CHICAGO — Attorneys argue cases challenging gay marriage bans in Wisconsin and Indiana before the 7th Circuit Court of Appeals. Wednesday, August 27: BUNOL, Spain — Thousands of people splatter each other with tons of tomatoes in the colorful annual "Tomatina" battle that attracts thousands of tourists. News Topics: General news, Crime People, Places and Companies: Dzhokhar Tsarnaev, Mahmoud Abbas, Abdel-Fattah el-Sissi, Mohamed Morsi, Al Sharpton, Scotland, United Kingdom, Western Europe, Europe Copyright 2014 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.