
Sunday, August 31, 2014

29-Year-Old Criminal Found Hiding in a Hatch

A 29-year old gunman in Crete who had been sought by Greek Police was found hiding in a hatch and arrested. Greek Police had been trying to locate the 29-year-old man for almost a year, due to a pending warrant for his arrest. According to police reports, the man had been involved in the shooting of his uncle’s house and car, during which the latter was injured. It was said that the young man had land disputes with his uncle. On September 11, 2013, the young man shot at his uncle’s house 7 times, injuring the 43-year-old man. Right after committing the crime, the young man disappeared. Just a few days ago, police in Crete were able to locate the criminal and arrest him under the warrant which had been issued against him for attempted murder. Police found the man hiding in a hatch, equipped with a specially designed space where he could live unnoticed.