
Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Parliament figured out: the facts on new MEPs


A 66-year age gap separates the youngest from the oldest MEP, two-thirds of Maltese MEPs are female, while 70% of German members got re-elected. Find out more interesting facts about the new MEPs who make up the European Parliament for the next five years in the interactive map.

In terms of gender balance and number of newcomers, the new European Parliament is comparable to the old one. The percentage of women increased from 35.05% in 2009 to 36.88% in 2014, while the proportion of re-elected MEPs slightly went down from 49.59% in 2009 to 49.4% in 2014.

However, there are significant differences between countries. Malta send the highest percentage of women (66.67%) and Lithuania the lowest with 9.09%. And although 69.79% of German MEPs got re-elected - the highest percentage of any EU country - none of their Greek colleagues were.

The oldest MEP in this legislative period is Emmanouil Glezos, a Greek member of the GUE/NGL group, who is 92 years old. Meanwhile, 26-year-old Anders Primdahl Vistisen, a Danish member of the ECR group, is the youngest one.