
Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Young Man Sacrifices Woman to Satan

A 22-year-old man  is charged with the murder of a 41-year-old homeless woman in the coastal suburb of Glyfada, Athens, Greece on April 20. The young man confessed that he had sacrificed the woman to Satan. According to an official police announcement published on Tuesday, the 22-year-old who was arrested on Monday admitted to police that he had been planning to make another “sacrifice” on June 21, the day of the summer solstice. The 41-year-old woman was found beaten to death in the early hours of Easter Sunday in Glyfada. The authorities found the number “666″  and a cross written in the woman’s blood on a nearby bench. After an extensive investigation in the area, authorities found a plastic bag that contained a large rock covered in the victim’s blood.   Greek Police managed to detect the suspect with the help of electronic crimes department that found suspicious conversations on the Internet which were related to the crime. The suspect’s fingerprints were also found on the plastic bag and his DNA on the bench. The young man was living with his parents and his older brother in an apartment in Glyfada. As he told the police, at the age of 15 he got interested in Satanism and started reading relevant books and visiting websites with satanist content. The young man is suffering serious psychological problems and he believed that turning to Satan worship would help him find a solution. He was also facing drug abuse problems and severe mobility problems.