
Friday, June 6, 2014

Tsipras to Le Monde: ‘The Greek Debt is Not Viable’

Radical Left Coalition (SYRIZA) leader Alexis Tsipras indicated in an interview to the newspaper Le Monde, that Europe needs to restructure the Greek debt which is unsustainable and threatens the stability of Europe. “Greece has a need for a new national strategy in the negotiations because we have critical negotiations ahead for debt restructuring,” Tsipras said. He then continued: “The debt is not viable and is threatening the stability of all of Europe. This systemic danger led Brussels to deal with the Greek debt in 2010. The threat of Greece’s exit from the euro was used as blackmail. All were aware that such a thing would blow the Eurozone up into the air. Greece did not understand how to use its negotiating possibilities.” The SYRIZA leader, replying to the remark of a reporter on a statement by Samaras, that Greece is doing better, has returned to the markets and began the path of growth, underlined the fact that “ austerity’s ultimate target was not Greece’s exit from the crisis, but for an internal devaluation to take place so as to provide a new impetus to its competitiveness. Merkel and Schäuble have a strategic plan which is the Germanization of Europe and the colonization of the south of Europe.” He stressed that “if Europe doesn’t democratize soon, it will suffer a major cohesion.” About the implemented policy on debt structure Tsipras stated: “First we need a European solution to the debt problem. Before the crisis, the public debt was 120% of GDP and today it is 180%. This proves that the policy applied was criminal.” He concluded that “focusing on Greece, the countries of the periphery should implement a broad program of investment, a New Deal, to quickly find the path of growth.”