
Thursday, June 19, 2014

Taxi Drivers Threaten to Strike During Summer

  The Greek Taxi Operators Association (SATA) threaten to strike during the summer season complaining about the heavy taxation, the massive debts to the Self Employed Workers’ Insurance Organization (OAEE), and the practices of some tourist agencies that offer their own transportation means with the toleration of the Ministry of Tourism and steal work from taxi drivers. In a statement issued by SATA, there is the demand for the Greek government to resign for failing to stop the economic crisis and the strict austerity measures that lead Greek people to poverty and misery. The language used in the statement is very harsh. More specifically, among other things, the statement says:  “We demand the resignation of the Prime Minister and his government, because like all governments since 2009, he deceived the Greek people with his promises and was unworthy of the task he was supposed to carry out.” The statement issued by the taxi drivers association concludes: “It is time for you to leave. Take the Troika of international lenders with you and let us live. We are not going to give up. You shamed and dishonored the Greek people only because we believed in you. Enough is enough!”