
Friday, June 20, 2014

Share a Story on International Immigrants Day

The United Nations High Commission of Refugees in Greece honors the strength and courage of millions of people around the world who are forced to leave their homes because of war or the violation of human rights. These people in order to escape the suffering in their country are trying by all means to find refuge in the “Promised Land” illegally. Greece is one of the main destinations for immigrants. The influx of immigrants in the country has changed. After the construction of the fence in Evros border in August 2012, the majority of immigrants enter the country through its maritime borders. According to data presented by the Greek office of UNHCR in 2013, the number of immigrants who arrived in Greece by sea increased by more than three times, (11,447 in 2013 compared to 3,651 in 2012). During the first four months of 2014, the number doubled compared to the same period in 2013 (4,700 and 2,077 respectively). Hundreds of immigrants put their lives in great risk in the attempt to enter Greece. The incident near Farmakonisi, which cost the lives of dozens of immigrants, in January 2014 is only one of many similar cases the Greek Coast Guard has to deal with. This year the UNHCR on the occasion of the International Immigrants Day, invites people to show their solidarity and to share a story of immigration. One can read stories of immigrants but can also post their own in the special UNHCR website.