
Thursday, June 12, 2014

Santorini Arts Factory Aims to Boost Island’s Culture

The Santorini Arts Factory aspires to become one of the main cores of cultural action in Santorini and in the wider region of  the South Aegean, Greece. The SAF is prioritizing the island and its inhabitants by providing immediate access to quality cultural events and educational programs throughout the year. At the same time it is promoting the island’s ancient and modern history, its modern activities as well as the material and cultural goods that it can offer to the thousands of visitors from around the world that it hosts every year. The opening is scheduled to take place on July 12, with a wide variety of cultural events including theater and dance performances by top artists (some will reach the island directly after their appearance at the Athens Festival) as well as concerts, while a visual exhibition entitled “White, Grey and a Little Red,” is being prepared by art historian Iris Kritikouunder and will feature important Greek and foreign artists. Moreover, both the SAF and the newly established Industrial Tomato Museum in Vlichada wish to honor the role of women in the history of Santorini, as well as the role they have played in the creation and development of the Tomato Factory.