
Monday, June 16, 2014

Samaras, Venizelos Agree on Hiring 600 University Administrative Employees

Greek Prime Minister Antonis Samaras and Government Vice-President Evangelos Venizelos on Sunday met to discuss their upcoming international visits and contacts well as issues related to the coordination of the new government, government spokeswoman Sofia Voultepsi has said. Samaras and Venizelos also decided to immediately proceed with a call of tender and the hiring of 600 university administrative employees. During the evaluation process of the staff under labor reserve and the completion of the re-hiring process, none of the employees placed in labor reserve will be fired, as law provides, she added. The government has pledged to sack another 7,000 civil servants this year to meet the target it has agreed with the troika, which was for a total of 15,000 dismissals in 2013 and 2014. Greece ‘s Administrative Reform Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis and Greek Education Minister Andreas Loverdos disagreed over how many university administrative employees should be rehired after being placed in a labor reserve last year, with the remainder being dismissed. Education Minister believes the government should rehire as many as 880 employees but Administrative Reform Minister insists that no more than 500 can be taken back. Coalition has until this Friday to decide the fate of 1,134 university employees that have been placed in suspension and on reduced wages for eight months as part of the public sector scheme for reducing employees.