
Friday, June 13, 2014

Lagarte List: Ex-Finance Chief Accused of Misconduct Free on Bail

Special judge, Iosif Tsalaganidis, decided to set free on restrictive orders, Former Minister of Finance Giorgos Papakonstantinou, for his involvement in the so-called Lagarde list case. Papakonstantinou paid a 30.000 euro deposit and was ordered to appear every month to his local Police Station. The former Greek Finance Minister has testified in front of the Investigator on felony charges for infidelity and document alteration, as well as for misconduct in handling the names included in the Lagarde list. He has been accused of removing the names of four relatives from the list. Papakonstantinou has already denied any wrongdoing. The Lagarde list has been named after the former French Finance Minister and current head of the International Monetary Fund, Christine Lagarde, as she handed the list to Papakonstantinou in 2010. The list contains the names of alleged Greek tax-evaders who have been hiding deposits in accounts of HSBC branch in Geneva, Switzerland.