
Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Japanese Request Coffee Reading for World Cup Outcome

The whole world has started moving to the rhythm of the samba in view of the World Cup which is set to take place in Brazil. People around the world are doing anything possible to get a glimpse of the future and determine who is going to win. In faraway Japan, which will be playing against Greece on June 19, there was too much suspense to bear. As a result crew from the international news agency NTV, which will be broadcasting the match, arrived in Athens, in search of an answer regarding the match outcome. The news agency’s correspondent planned on visiting Athens’ café “To Flitzani,” which is famous for providing customers with coffee readings. Even the café’s owner was surprised to hear that her shop’s reputation had made its way to Japan. With the help of a translator, she did her best to foretell  the outcome of the match. However, she made it clear from the beginning that the coffee readings concern the person involved in the reading and not a football team. The news correspondent had to drink seven coffees until the reader was able to “see” something about the football match. “You will be very anxious, but happy from the beginning until the end…” was the final prediction of the coffee reading. The Japanese journalist asked for more details, but quickly realized that the cup is not a crystal ball and cannot predict the future in detail! The international network NTV has made a total of 2 trips to Greece in the past. The first was 12 years ago, for a documentary about the escape of notorious Peter Sedom from Korydallos prison, with the help of the prison psychologist Olga Atzamoglou. The second was during the Indignant People protests in Syntagma.